A Wealth Manual For the Middle Class

by R. Bryan Stoker

Don't Be a Victim;  You CAN Achieve Financial Freedom!

This book Exposes the Myths that keep you from getting ahead!  Understand these myths and follow the Step-by-Step Plan and You WILL Achieve Wealth!


This Book Will Show You How To:


Americans have been slaves to the myths supported by the financial industry long enough.  Anyone can achieve a wealthy lifestyle once they understand the real truth.   These myths have robbed the American public of billions of dollars over the years.   Are YOU one of the victims?  98% of Americans retire broke!  Don't let it happen to you.

FINANCIAL FREEDOM:  A Wealth Manual For the Middle Class, by Dr. R. Bryan Stoker, presents a step-by-step plan to achieve financial freedom regardless of your present situation, and it exposes the myths that support one of the two major reasons most Americans retire broke.  FINANCIAL FREEDOM does not present a get-rich-quick scheme, but rather it presents a little or no-risk strategy, based on sound financial concepts, that will definitely work over time.  How fast you achieve your goals depends on you.

FINANCIAL FREEDOM begins by showing you how to regain control of your financial life and, if necessary, re-establish a good credit rating.  You will learn how to save thousands of dollars when you purchase your own home.  Learn how to escape from the debt disease that plagues the vast majority of our country.  Learn how to make credit cards pay YOU to use them!  Stop paying outrageous interest;   make that money work for YOU instead.  Most families can easily save over $100,000 while living in their home.  In fact, FINANCIAL FREEDOM will show you how to make your home pay YOU to live there.  FINANCIAL FREEDOM will show you how to safely earn 10% to 50%, and more, on your money.  You will have more money to use for fun than you ever thought you could, and you will still have plenty to save and invest every month.  Use this extra money to build your assets through tax-free investing, real estate, your own business, and mutual funds.  Learn a simple "secret" that will guarantee you more than enough money to retire regardless of what else you do.

This 236-page book can be YOUR Key to Wealth for only $14.95!
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